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K I cant say for sure ill go with the winning pose im purely just curious what you guys think BUT it can 100% influence my decision no doubt! Which ones do you like best for Elf x Slime, vote below!



assuming slime-boy is translucent, how abt a pose where we can kinda see inside the elf through slime-boy's dick?


It looks like the sketches tells a story. With 2 first, slime and elf enjoying a nice time together. The cum though growing the slime. 4 showing the elf likes the changes, slime guy now being a bigger nearly as tall as elf. 3 is elf making slime even bigger, one last (maybe) good filling for the slime. And 1 is the elf enjoying the changed grown slime and it's ass. Always fun to seethrough as well, is why I like 1 the most :3