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fun little commission, Rin muscle growth :P :O full set will be in rewards when they are sent out on the 7th cuz I dont wanna post 500 pics like I already am XD

Who should I do growth of next? Im thinking scorbunny? 



Corrah K

Ugh I LOVE your growth art so much and I’d love to see more of it in the future!! 🥵🤤💪🏼


You drawing something growth related is always a fantastic surprise! Scorbunny Growth drive? sounds perfect!


Oooo I do like the scorbunny growth idea :O

Magic Bat

First thought: god, seeing men grow too big for their clothes is hot Second thought: they must spend so much on clothing if that happens very often

Muju Sey

I dream of a barefoot version <3


Scorbunny Yas!! And thank you so insanely much for Rin!!!