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(this  article bases on my experience, no scientific fact support yet. Please read with caution)

"Learn Smart, not learn hard" 

" You need to focus when reading"

"Concentrate on what you're doing if you want to get better"

tbh, everyone tells you these but Noone can tell you.......HOW?....HOW TO DO IT EFFICIANTLY?

I spent the whole week seeking for research, Watching many documentaries and interview many people to seek the answer for this these questions. How to remember things faster, how to learn efficiently. How to get smarter with less afford.

But every ted talks, interviews, or research just tell you about motivation and how the brains work....but I found no method to obtain that information you read or what exactly your brain process when learning.

I'll not talk about medical term, or motivation. Those are fact you can find it anywhere on the internet. But what I'll tell you is what I believe how the brain works and noone ever talked about it before.

(I'm not a doctor or psychologist. I talked from my personal experiment. Do not believe everything I say. Please do the research yourself too)

[The core of memorizing]

0. We remember things by silhouette. That's why remembering moving object is easier than texts.

1. Everything you learned, ALWAYS base on the previous knowledge. We always refer the fact or feeling we already knew in the way we don't notice.

(that's why someone learn faster than others because they might have learnt something different or get different experience than us in the past)

2. Emotion always effects how much you remember things. Even the calm state.

(We remember fact along with the environment state and the state of mind. That's why we remember sad things or angry moment better than when we are happy.)

and if you accept the fact above, this is the method I found. these are subconscious method you may not notice.

0. There's no best way to memorize things. Different activity may need different approach. "Choose the one you like the most".

1. Earworm technique: repeat reading aloud again and again or listen to the music again and again. You brain will link the sound with the environment around you.

2. Motion graphic : Remember text by imagine the text floating around on a black screen, typewriting, or colorful text flashing in or out. Just like the music video or hologram.

3. Attach the reason to what you learn : no matter how silly the reason is, you can recall it easier...for ex. "the number is 549812"...you can say "5 plus 4 is 9 but 9 minus 8 is 1 okay only 1 left...not 2"

4. Geometry referring : It's good for eyes training. If you can give the landmark, scale relative to the thing you observe along with the voice in your head, you'll remember it better.

4. Ghost image or ghost movement :....I didn't mean....horror movie. I'm talking about the picture like a layer in photoshop or transparent moving screen floating over the real world. The silhouette, The proportion, the hidden details, they're all part of observing.

5. Role Playing : Create the scene or situation you will use your new knowledge for. like pretending you're a detective who want to buy an instant noodle in far east country. What will you speak? or you're an atom flying around the copper tube.

6. Prepare the learning environment : It will calm your mind and boost your joy in learning. Your brain works better when you are in a joy mood or environment you can control.

7. Mirror the thing you learn. Almost like Roleplaying but you trying to do exactly the same as you learn...such as....writing text along with the text you read to slow down your mind and observe more details.. Watch replay of sports or games to keep the sense of right timing or copy the movement of people to project what they think.

8. (......your own unique way......)

Now you know what happen to your brain when you are trying to memorize things. You can combine all these techniques in any learning. Or you can create your own way of remembering things. there's no right no wrong. I don't mind changing method all the time if that help me learn faster and better. It's time to find yours.

Please remember : Your brain learns by linking many visual information together. Find the best method you like the most and takes time to link the new knowledge with the thing you already knew.

(I'm now experimenting with myself. I'll update the progress every week.)



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