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(the following article base on my experience only. It's just my record for tracking the progress. And of course, the grammar still sucks. Sorry)

Learning skills from Youtube, Mentor, Textbook, Drawing, Timelapse, or anything else...I always believe that they didn't tell you everything they should. Not because they don't want to, but they don't know it's very important to tell someone who is not on the same level as them. That's why your learning is not effective as it should.

such as,

- They tell you how to wield a katana and keep the distance from the enemy, but didn't tell you how to balance your weight on your feet

- Study Physics from paragraph to paragraph but didn't tell you why they use this math method in the equation

- Draw anatomy by observing the body but didn't tell you how to use a pencil tip to measure the proportion.

- or teach you how to cook but didn't tell you how hot the temperature should be. etc.

why didn't they tell you?

"Because those knowledges came from another lessons or a lifetime experience of them and those are stored in their subconscious already and they forgot that newbie didn't know that"

That's what found when I studied from the genius creature. They can use that knowledge or sense as natural. But for us who want to learn it, it's hard or nearly impossible.

That's what I found this week. To learn from any source, "FIND THAT HIDDEN STEPS" and your learning will double the potential.

and how to find these hidden steps? this is what I found base on my experience...

- Physical & Combat training: Always observe the movement of the feet and the eyes

- Drawing: Always remember that they have tons of visual memories in their brain. So they have an invincible contour, perspective, anatomy and movement on the paper. They to guess what reference they use.

- Language: Teacher already used to write or speak in everyday life, but you don't. so ROLEPLAY it. 

- Physics: It's Math.....it's the devil. 

- Programming : Data structure, the logic behind loop

- (Study from their past)

DO NOT copy what I said. Everyone has their method of learning. And it can be changed over time, but I'm sure "the hidden steps" exist. Find them.

Escape 18/4/2021

This week I learnt


- Big O

- Indexing, Static Array and Dynamic Array

-Stack, Heap


-Basic English grammar and tense

-Hiragana and Katakana alphabets (which I forgot it already)


-Gesture drawing

-Observation method





-Introduction to Quantum
