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Well, basically my laptop maintenance a few weeks ago really messed up my work schedule and I need to rearrange my current and upcoming works, so I want to prepare it on the next month. It should be back to normal again on May onwards. I hope *fingers crossed*.

In the meantime, I'll make another fanarts for the last week and finished the current comic chapter later. Oh, and another good news. I'll also prepare to open commission request again. I'll open it to public on May, but you guys can get a headstart from now to prepare the details and reference while I make the design for the new price sheet.

Honestly, I want to integrate the commission system with this platform. But since I don't know how to do it, I'll do it the old-fashioned way. You can email me your request at :


I haven't make the new price sheet poster yet, but here's the overall info.
HALF BODY starts from $120
FULL BODY starts from $150

No BG, no extra character for now, no extreme fetishes. The final price would be determined by the details complexity level.

I do want to take all the request like I used to do in the past, but since I also make contents for platform and other projects, I can only reply and pick a handful of the interesting requests. So maybe not all of the requests will be taken. I'm really sorry for that.

I think that's all for now. If you have some question, don't hesitate to DM me or put your comments below. Thank you very much! Cheers! XD





Did you mean you'll finish the current Jagong chapter in April? Regardless, thanks for all your hard work!