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This is one of my all time favorite characters. His name is Ducky.💪🏻😎   

Height: 195, age: 35 

He was friends with Ryan during his military academy days. But they didn’t really like each other very much. By the time when Ducky graduated, he began to be a mercenary and an assassin ( look from his face You know how much he loves these jobs.😆)

And one day he got a job to kill his old friend Ryan!😳 They fought fiercely. While they were fighting, they got back stabbing by a main mafia gang that wanted to get rid of them both! They tried to finish Ducky and Ryan with guns and everything that they can throw at them! 💥💥💥But…there’s no surprise, they managed to survive.🙃

After that, they have to worked together to survive and finish the jobs!😎






My husband will like the news that Ducky's no single either 🤭😅🤣😉