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          "-Wait, stop!..
                    [shove, sli-ide, pop]
                              Ah, n-no.."

          Young and not trained properly yet, semi-sentient horny feral beast doesn't have full understanding of such concepts like reputational losses when being caught mating with a riding mount, but she definitely have. All that he can give is just his primal lust and passion without any social constrains, few gentle bite marks, a sizeable load of seed to keep her warm at night... and finally a huge knot to ensure she cant escape her shame easily this time, pretending to be accidentally rooted and leashed, especially revealing her kink of being a pet for her mount. What a perverted degenerates, worse than handholding

p.s. Its a lesser known fact that I've always wanted to go for sceneric story driven pieces rather than just focused on the characters, but my format kinda limits me



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