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So - first off, let me be clear that your old links, passwords, everything still work - and will work for the foreseeable future.

That said - I now have an actual blog set up, where people can join as members. If you join with the same email you use for patreon, I can give you access to all private content on the site.  

Princess Kay content (all my smut) can be found at https://princesskay.net/wp

Emilie Ember's content (Hatching a Heroine, and A Mermaid's Tail) can be accessed at https://emilieember.com/wp

You need to register for both, if you want the private content on both - but as long as you're on this patreon, I'll be sure to give you access on both sites.

(I'll still be posting all stories on dropbox, so this is not a requirement! I just figured it's a lot easier to join with your own password then to track an ever shifting password that I'm creating on my end.)


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