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Another patch to 1.20.0 to improve things even further and address more bugs that were discovered and reported. Thank you for ongoing reports and testcases!

Use VaM_Updater.exe in your install folder to get the update. If you don't have VaM yet, see this post for everything you need to know: https://www.patreon.com/posts/downloading-and-32794384

Release Notes:


  • Added option to only show favorite morphs in the trigger receivers list, on by default. Toggled on Person Control & Physics 1 tab. Reduces the huge long lists down to a manageable size


  • Misc: Added SteamVRFrustrumAdjust script for Pimax users to get better FoV without popin
  • Packaging: Add-On Package refresh is now incremental and can be faster in many situations (exception: morph package changes)
  • Person: Pose presets now store bone relative position/rotation for smoother restore, especially when control is offset from the joint by a significant degree - also fixes poses that were saved while control was pressed into another surface where bone was blocked by a collider
  • Possess: Added indicator to show what controller head is possessing when the UI is open
  • Possess: Added option toggle to allow mouse pan/zoom when possessing head
  • Possess: Added option to turn off the deactivation of other controls on possess of head, left hand, or right hand (go to the Control tab of those controllers to change)
  • Textures: ImagePanel* images now use mip-mapping which can prevent artifacts like moire and jagged edges when viewed from a distance or off angle
  • Textures: non-power-of-two (NPOT) sized textures are now stored uncompressed in the texture cache and recompressed after load. This works around a Unity issue that prevents compressed & mipmapped NPOT textures from loading correctly with the raw texture load function that was being used for cached texture loading. This should fix the lack of mipmaps on these textures which could cause artifacts like moire, jagged edges, and sparkle. To see this fix requires clearing the texture cache to get the currently non-mipmapped textures to be regenerated to have mipmaps.
  • Textures: Genital texture generation now errors if input torso texture is not 4096x4096 which is a requirement for it to work correctly
  • Usability: World UI (top menu) distance in VR is now closer and can be controlled by a new preference (in User Preferences VR 1 tab)
  • Usability: File browser button text minimum font size increased so files with longer names are more readable
  • Usability: SubScene motion animation with autoPlay set to true now starts playing on load even if VaM is in edit mode
  • Usability: Error and message logs max length increased from 5000 to 20000 characters
  • Usability: Error log messages now have !> prefix to make it easier to see separate messages

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue with Cycle Select Person Atom toolbar not working after removal of a Person atom
  • Flip Toolbar preference now works correctly in Play Mode
  • Fixed Use Monitor View and Focus Offset when UI is Open preference not always saving
  • Fixed odd ratio images no longer loading correctly
  • Missing hair/clothing/morph sections in preset json files no longer cause reset on merge load
  • Exceptions during store and restore of invidual storables are now caught and reported to error log. Fixes issue with any plugins that might cause fatal exceptions from halting save or restore process. Fixes save not working on scome scenes. Fixes phantom Person problem after loading.
  • Plugins that take actions during OnDestroy can no longer corrupt parameters that should have been reset on Person removal. Fixes issue where new Person atom from add or scene load had remnants of last scene.
  • Plugins exception trapping improved - plugins that cause exceptions can not still be cleaned up properly and prevented from causing other odd issues
  • Fixed issue with AnimationPattern autoPlay not working if scene opened in edit mode
  • SubScene load now does proper PreRestore which could fix some oddities with triggers, animation patterns, and plugins
  • Fixed issue with skin parameters not always getting set correctly on scene or preset load
  • Fixed plugin presets merge load not working
  • Fixed issue with Preset Load button not obeying if merge toggle was set
  • Fixed issue with var packages with special characters in them
  • Fixed issue with Silky PJ Top Sim joint adjustments not working
  • Fixed female 16 (Lilith) pupil material settings to remove specular highlight
  • Fixed issue with General Preset loading causing joint tangling
  • Fixed Lexi and Simone genital texture creation



Thankyou for rolling out the updates so fast. Nice work.


With the functioned 1.20.0,7 of the players MMD no more?




Thank you so much for Pose presets now storing the bones info!!!


Would you like to implement female hands?


After the Plugin load from player BVH or player MMD nothing more is indicated?


Many news bugs, don"t installed it. New pose reset all plugins for the Person, some textures won"t load correctly, light attached to an atom won"t follow correctly the person and so on ...


Thank you very much for the morph filter!


There is a problem with VaM regarding session plugins. When I switch to a new scene, the previously loaded session plugin does not load in it.


session plugins should really be called scene plugins because they are stored with the scene. Loading a new scene removes the previous set.


I understand that you have replaced the previous session plugins with scene plugins. Perhaps there is a meaning to this, though I cannot immediately spot such an opinion. In any case, it is inappropriate for a plugin to be used in several scenes to reload when changing scenes. I do not find this very user-friendly.


I can't agree more! It would be nice if there is an option to switch it on/off at least.


Any chance to get a "VAM-Session" plugin feature for plugins that's designed to be run in all scenes no matter in what order you load them - like how the Session Plugins worked before? I use Blazedust's CUAManager all the time and now I have to constantly load it up per scene instead of once per application start :( Sad me