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EDIT: Closed, will open voting soon!

Feel free to suggest a character you'd like to see as an ABDL! 

Attention please: I only draw adult characters (in age and visuals).

I will leave this open to suggestions until september 04 (and then maybe open a voting poll, let's see how it goes...)



Wittwe AB Grw

Always a fans ob Saiwors Moon chawactews, Wanmas 1/2, and giwls fwom d RPG sewies cawwed lunar. And ders few options ders with lunar d silver Star or lunar eternal blue. But dohs ae justs few suggestions


Nia from Xenoblade chronicles 2


Thank you! Since I can pick only one by person (also love SailorMoon) I'll pick Eternal Sailor Moon to add to the list ok?