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  • A18.mp4



Hello patrons, A18 finally finished! xD yet it still doesn't look like I wanted. I was limited by my skills and when I've learned how to  finally do it , the animation was already done.
+ I handed over the coloring to other artist and the poor soul failed, he couldn't do it right. I had to fix it frame by frame, which took eventually longer then coloring it from the start. -.-"
I should keep thing more simple next time and challenge myself with my personal work only xD
I've also wanted to do SFW version but...clothes in hot springs are NO NO!

I'm really sorry for the delay, thank you for your support, you are the best!




This is fantastic! Keep up the good work and don't be so hard on yourself! It looks great!


this is amazing, well worth the wait, thank you very much


I love it!!! Good work!!