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SO im planning on adjusting my stretch goals on the patreon, i want to adjust the animation thing, because i simply cant do animations atm, they are really time consuming , and making a series at 750 i have learned is a bit unrealistic. but i still plan to make a series so im probably gonna work on anims in my free time, and not make it a poll thing until i can produce them quickly c8(obviously when i have goodies ill upload c:)

i have some ideas for this months polls, i hope you like! i plan on doing another loona comic soon, but wanted to give it a bit of breathing room, since this idea is gonna be a bit longer c8



Been looking forward to the Roxanne comic for a little while now! Hoping its picked, but I have no doubt we'll see it eventually. It's too good an idea to pass up forever.


Are you gonna draw any dudes in chastity cages and diapers at some point?


not sure I'd want to see chastity, but I'm sure a "safety" onsie can do the same thing and then some eh?


i wont lie, it really isnt LIKLEY i would do that it really isnt in my wheelhouse. just not my jam ;u; im sorry