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Here's the migrated list of changes, I'm going to try to get everything finished this month so I can get back to adding monsters to the game. I'm also looking into getting a female player character going.

[X]  Academy Building, containing Quest givers which explain every different aspect of gameplay in detail, and assign quests to ensure the player understands the concepts
[X]  A new NPC character
[X]  Fix up Monster Loyalty and Happiness systems
[X]  Set up Female Player character
[X]  Add menu for displaying all Resident monsters (Monster Manager), as well as more detailed information on individual monsters, such as their fighting and sex records
[X]  Fixed lighting error inside many buildings in town
[X]  Time no longer progresses in the Arena

In progress/Fixing:

[   ]  Player climax still broken 
[   ]  Lock out certain commands based on Monster Loyalty
[   ]  Allow Player to control Monster during Tournaments
[   ]  When a Monster is controlled in the Arena, Loyalty should affect their chance to listen to your commands


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