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The Ruby build has been updated with the latest navigation changes;
Update: fixed monsters fighting through fences

-The navigation mesh is now dynamic (meaning that it will change in real time as your garden does, down to gates being open or closed), and will block monsters from even attempting to move to areas which are inaccessible due to obstacles such as fences or trees.
-Monsters will only try to fight if they have a direct line of sight to each other, this means monsters in pens will not try to fight monsters outside of their pen and vice-versa, but can still fight with other monsters in the same pen
-Monsters will no longer snap through fences to reach their sex target, a line trace is done, and if blocked they will disengage
-Visitor monsters will immediate attempt to move to the center of your garden, getting rid of any annoying lag time before they can interact with Residents.
-Visitors won't yet "phase through" fences, but will still be "trapped" outside the garden. However, for now, I've added code that will teleport them to the middle of your garden when they fail to reach it

I'm going to be refining these changes over the next couple days, and plan to release a finalized 1.05b version for ALL silver+ patrons on the 14th.


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