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Hey everyone, just a quick post here to let you all know the new version of MGG along with the new Mouse species will be available by the 26th at the latest. If you read my last post you'll remember I've been having a lot of issues with the mainmap file, and I think I've figured out what the problem might have been.

My computer has been crashing and rebooting to BIOS lately, which is never a good sign but it always functions fine when I boot from there. Now, the last few times this has happened I get a message saying "Windows is attempting to repair D:" but seems to recover well. However, this is where the project is saved. Before you get too concerned I back up frequently and the project itself is in NO danger right now, but I think my failing D: drive may have been what caused the map file to get corrupted in the first place.

TL;DR: This is all "long-story-short" for, I bought a new computer, finally. I built a pretty top of the line machine, complete with crazy colored fans (thanks, Corsair.) So, moving forward, I should no longer be hampered by my old computers functionality, and ideally I won't see any more corrupted data files. Barring any unforeseen bullshit the new version will be available by the 26th.


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