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commission requested by Nero Akuma




She’s cute! Is this an OC or is she from something?


She's from an older Italian Series called W.I.T.C.H. which i imagine is where Mauroz probably got some of his inspiration from the comic from. Basically she, along with four other girls were born with magic abilities and charged with protecting Earth from the evil forces of another world called Meridian.


Also damn!

Brian Prochaska

W.I.T.C.H. was a favorite comic and show of mine - glad to know it's still got some influence in the world.


Commissioner here: AFAIK, Mauroz was not actively aware of the W.I.T.C.H. comics before I threw Will at him the last time. (If false, let me stand corrected). There is more W.I.T.C.H. stuff to come if I have anything to say about it in the future.


Not 100% what I had in mind but I am still very happy how this turned out. Thanks a lot for your efforts.


I'm glad you like it, although it would be better if I had got your idea right :(