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Here is the legendary Solder 76, getting down and dirty in the training grounds! I really enjoyed working on this one, It was fun to really dive in and brush up on my technique!


For additional variants please consider pledging the $10 tier where a sequential narrative of 20 images can be found, with both text and textless versions. The $20 tier has access to a convenient download link as well, for those interested.

Thank you all for your continued patience and support! Be sure to stay tuned for a step-by-step tutorial featuring this piece, where I will break down my colouring and rendering process. This will feature a short video where I talk through rendering Soldier's face as well, and will be available for the $10 Tier sometime next week. 

I also plan to discuss my plans and intentions for the coming year. I have done much thinking over the last 2 and a half months since my father's passing, which has resulted in a significant lifestyle shift and I have some plans in place for ensuring I'm still able to grow.

Thank you and please, stay tuned!

<3 Diz
