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  • POV review.mp4



Hi guys, I am so sorry that the current project needs more days to finish. Pending the release date to 5th April. But here is some information about this project:

Name: The Mystery Gift

Length: 16 minutes 31 seconds

Characters: Leon Kennedy (from the RE2 remake) and two more mystery characters

Positions: 9 different positions

Story: Leon find a gift at the door, a mystery gift. he doesn't know who send it but with curiosity, he still opens it. A blue weird light flashed to his face. Open his eyes, he sees himself has been brought to a strange room with no doors or windows. He is naked, and he is not the only one.

Audio: There is no voice actor for conversations but the video still has sound and moan effects as usual.

Resolution: Full HD

Price: 15 USD or 13 Coins (patrons will receive it 24h earlier than Gumroad)

**You can check the attachment for the POV view of this video. I am sorry that I can not show more because I want to keep 02 characters secret until the launch date.

Thank you for your support as always,




I prefer the audio like this and just subtitles