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Lunar New Year Discount

  • Surprise Gift - 5 Coins 17
  • Serving Dinner - 6 Coins 20
  • Dragon Age "Knight and Mages" - 10 Coins 10
  • Ghost Face x Dwight - 3 Coins 6
  • Star War "The First Time" - 5 Coins 4
  • The Rescue 2 (part B) - 3 Coins 7
  • Minotaur - 1 Coins 3
  • 2022-01-29
  • —2022-02-05
  • 67 votes
{'title': 'Lunar New Year Discount', 'choices': [{'text': 'Surprise Gift - 5 Coins', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'Serving Dinner - 6 Coins', 'votes': 20}, {'text': 'Dragon Age "Knight and Mages" - 10 Coins', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Ghost Face x Dwight - 3 Coins', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Star War "The First Time" - 5 Coins', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'The Rescue 2 (part B) - 3 Coins', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Minotaur - 1 Coins', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 5, 1, 58, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 29, 1, 59, 45, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 67}


Dear patrons,

Happy Lunar New Year to all, or to those who use Luna Calendars. Wish you and your family will have a healthy, wealthy, lucky, prosperous life.

I will also take a week off for this holiday!!!

I hope you all enjoy the videos I made and looking forward to new videos.

Thank you so much for your support to help make these videos come true.

Discount prices are now applied for all videos. Join the poll below if you wish to redeem your Coins for it.

The next charge date is coming soon so edit your pledge as you please. If you don't know how many Coins you have, don't hesitate to contact me via Patreon message/ email/ Twitter.

Best wishes,




Daniel wants to know how many coins we have?

I kissandkill

Oh I gotta get the Surprise gift.

Greeneyedwolfking (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-02 22:00:01 Happy Lunar New Year! <3
2022-01-31 19:56:14 Happy Lunar New Year! <3

Happy Lunar New Year! <3