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SO I hope you guys had a good a Great Christmas and HOPEFULLY a Happy New Year soon. But yeah I couldn't Really make it to doing a Proper Christmas Themed post but I could do a POST-Christmas. I normally just buy my own gifts and use up giftcards but thus year I got something that I didn't know I would need... and its was a Zip up Onesie and uh... YEAH nah I Dig it lol.

Like its just one one of those things I didn't know I would want but I'm happy that I got....Also the idea that I could wear nothing at all underneath and no one would know... except you guys I guess LOL




Look at that cozy boy 💙


I'm going to henceforth imagine you wearing this and standing all proud-like during any stream I catch you in. This is the headcanon you have forged for me, and I shall fire it liberally!