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SO I'M CURIOUS... a lot of you have taken a liking of the past couple of Guys that I've done over the months.
Quite a few of you DMed me Directly to comment about the Minotaur I did for Macro March
and some of you have gushed about the butchering Tabaxi, Butch, that I did for April. I'm curious If you guys would want these guys to Return again this month and... honestly I haven't done a Poll in a while so I feel this would be fun!


Isaiah Noels

Personally, I miss your Ron Husker concept character, a blast from the past, I know. LOL


If only we didn't have to choose and they could just live together in harmony ;) It would be a shame if we didn't see more of one of them, as both are amazing. I'm sure Butch could enjoy a bit of extra beef...


More votes for Butch you cowards