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It's time... for MOTION CONTROLS!!! If you are an Index or Reverb G2 user, please read the end of the post.

- Added motion controls support.
- A dialog box now opens in the main menu telling the player how to recenter the HMD.
- The sprint icon on the bottom right now turns yellow while sprinting to compensate for the lack of visual cues like the crosshair.
- Fixed a bug that caused some targeting indicators to not face the camera properly.
- Fixed a bug that caused the dialog box in the pause menu to not follow the menu rotation.

You can download the zip file and drag it into the mod manager on top of the other mods (BepInEx and HookGenPatcher).

Please let me know of any problems you might encounter. The multiplayer especially lacks testing. Note that most survivors don't have hand models or animations yet.

If you are an Index or Reverb G2 user, you need to download a SteamVR bindings file in order to play with your controllers. They are both attached with the post. Download the one that corresponds to your controllers.

With your file downloaded, open a file explorer and go to C:/Users/%USERNAME%/Documents/steamvr/input/imports. Create the imports folder if necessary. Drag the binding file you downloaded into that directory.

Now that the file is setup, you can open the game in VR and open the SteamVR overlay. Inside the overlay, you can go activate the custom bindings. Here is a gif showing where to go: https://thumbs.gfycat.com/GloriousComfortableFieldmouse-size_restricted.gif


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