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V1.2.0 is on it's way! Here are the changes:

- Added a bindable key to recenter the HMD.
- Added HUD config settings for UI scale and anchor placements.
- Fixed a bug that caused the map name to display too high up.
- Re-added R2API as dependency (which also includes HookGenPatcher).
- VR players can no longer play with vanilla players due to the R2API dependency.

To test this update, disable the previous version of the VR mod, download the ZIP file and drag it into your r2modman mod list. You can also copy the files into your BepInEx folder if you prefer to install it manually. In that case, make sure you also have R2API and HookGenPatcher installed.

Before releasing this update, let me know what you think of the changes. Do you like them? Is there something that you would prefer to be changed?


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