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... HighSpeedTacos, IronMaw096, Eyestalk94, Cosmonauta and H_R!

God, I don't think I've picked this many ideas before or maybe only once before. But goddang do you guys drop all sorts of steamy, hot and good ideas!

I will most likely do most or all of these in mono' quality but yeah! Thank you all for participating and we're gonna get a lot of folk on cooldown so anyone that hasn't participated - make sure you do next month!



Congrats to the winners, can't wait to see BoRiS artwork of their ideas!


Hooray, awesome!! This was my first time submitting an idea. :) Is there any chance of a small addendum? Rather than just Zorii's tits growing in her suit, maybe her tits get TOO big for it and rip out of her suit? (stretch goal: Maybe her inflation is being caused that hyperbusty Second Sister from that suggestion piece way back when?)


Ideas are subject to my own interpretation so sometimes I take liberties with certain details. Just depends on how the image goes when I start on it. Either way, you're gonna see Zorii's tits inflating for sure!


Mommy muscular spartans noice :)


Cool! :O