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  • Wait_WhereAreYouGoing100.mp4



"Wait, where are you going - oh God - " - Pyonchi (¬‿¬) ❤️

This weekend turn out to be even more productive than i could've hoped! So im very happy to announce, that we met all our goals in time (for the first time i think XD) and the work on the "core" animation for "Raiden x Yae" is finally complete! *⁂((✪⥎✪))⁂* 

So now we are moving straight to the last stage of the project - the final refinements! ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ In total, there are about 15 out of the 30 scenes left to be finalized - almost nothing, compared to Mona x Slime, so i really hope to be able to complete all the work withing a week. 

At the same time, we've boosted our work on another "parallel" project, that Kitsune is working on now, so if everything goes well, i think we'll be able to release it this month as well! If so, that would be a really special month for "Yuri" and "Solo" lovers ಠ‿↼

And once again, i cant thank you enough for all your overwhelming support and ideas here on Patreon, on Discord, Twitter and Pixiv! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ❤️ This time i can proudly say, that our current projects would never have become what they are without you, your creativity and suggestions! ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Thank you very much, stay healthy and until next post! See you soon! ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️

HighRes in attachments! ಠ‿↼
