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hey guys! I just wanna make a quick update regarding this Patreon and its future. As you all know, some things have happened among my fellow NSFW artists that made a lot of people, creators and followers, uncomfortable with supporting this platform. I understand and for that I'm going to be making moves this month to branch out. I won't be leaving Patreon as long as I have it, but I will be putting my content on another subscription platform as well! 

Along side Patreon I will be putting my stuff on FANBOX as well. Same rates, same content! So if you plan to leave Patreon but wish to still support me, check it out! 



What happened?


Will you still have discord access if you switch platforms?


Thank you for doing this. Patreon is becoming overzealous and it is always a terrible idea to have all your eggs in 1 basket.


Will it have separate exclusive content, or will it have the same content?