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Hi Team, as promised, per the Retire on Tesla video, here is the model I used to calculate the numbers so you can run your own models.

How to use it:

Remember- you need to use the SOLVER to back into the numbers. (You must download SOLVER as an Extension first)

Step 1 - Click File, Make a Copy

Step 2 - Use Solver to make retirement balance zero at end of your chosen period

Here are the steps on how to use Solver in Google Sheets:

  1. Open Google Sheets and create a new spreadsheet.
  2. In the spreadsheet, enter the values for your variables and the objective function.
  3. Select the cell that contains the objective function.
  4. Click on the "Data" tab and then click on "Solver".
  5. In the Solver dialog box, enter the following information:Set the objective cell to the cell that contains the objective function.
    Set the target cell to the cell that contains the value you want to maximize or minimize.
    Select the type of solver algorithm you want to use.
    Enter the constraints for your problem.
    Click on the "Solve" button.
  6. Solver will solve the problem and display the solution in the spreadsheet.

Here are some additional tips for using Solver:

  • Make sure that your spreadsheet is set up correctly. The variables and the objective function must be in the correct cells.
  • The constraints must be realistic. If they are not, Solver may not be able to find a solution.
  • If Solver does not find a solution, try changing the solver algorithm or the constraints.
  • You can also use the "Solver Options" dialog box to change the solver settings.



PATREON Retire on TESLA TSLA Retirement Calculator

Basic Retirement Calculator MODEL , YR , PRICE PREDN , TSLA REQD ,MTHLY Spend,$2,801, Cost Today to Buy Bag IA LOW ,2032,$2,681, 138 ,$24,620.35 ANALYSTS ,2030,$3,164, 117 , Apprec ,15.00%,$20,860.92 EXPECTED ,2032,$5,181, 71 , Begin Bal ,$368,737,$12,739.69 IA BULL ,2032,$8,188, 45 ,...



Thank you James 👍👍


Great ! Thanks a lot James :)


Thanks for sharing!




Is that stock inflation or INFLATION? UGH....I hate counting that into my 10 year plan. (Ok, I sound like a post-soviet. 5 year or 10 year planl). ;) No big, I shall add it into my existence. Me math ok.


TIL what solver is.


Thank you James. I am happy with your video as guide. Am aware my retirement which is about 15y away minimum is hard to calculate but hopefully 2-3x your targets for most expensive place will do me!


Solver is a Google Sheets add-on that can be used to solve optimization problems. Optimization problems are problems where you are trying to find the best solution to a set of constraints. For example, you might be trying to find the best way to allocate resources, or you might be trying to find the best way to schedule a project.


nice way to think of it and time is MONEY - the more time you have the better you will do so you will be just perfect


Seriously...this sucks b*lls. This is like CCCP when my great grand mother saved 10000 rubles for us when average salary was 100/ month. Overnight, it became worth 10. At least the Ruskies said this this happening, so deal. In the US of A, they pretent that there is no real infation.


Thank you my friend😁🌞☕️❤️🎶


Fantastic work! Thank you!


what if you sell covered calls instead of selling the stock? assuming you have it in a tax free account you would have not risk of a tax bill if your tsla got called away. Does anyone know if that is a better strat?


Thankyou James! Much appreciated


Thanks James!


Thanks, James! This is a great tool!


Thank you and i don’t understand how the living expenses were calculated for future years? Are they supposed to include estimated inflation? $33,612 * 1.08 (est. 8% inflation) = $36,301 not $33,948 ??


Wow, this makes me VERY happy, I won't make it to 2055, (94% chance) by coincidence I have exactly one of your example TSLA REQD. Thanks James for all you do.


Thanks James!


First problem with 99.99% of humans. Kill the outcome with self sabotage. Regardless of your age you can try your best to control the outcome with many things. Also dont get me wrong you could get hit by a falling satellite tmrw as well 😁


Not by a Starlink satelite, they will burn before return. And yes: Life is a near death experience, enjoying it (almost) every day.


Retire on NVDA. 😉


I need help. I made a copy of the spreadsheet but I don't see solver option on the data tab.


Time is totally money James. spending money to allow me more time for things like being with family invaluable. Also things like pay someone mow my lawn £20/h and instead I do my work to get 10X that 😁


Is it possible to Retire on GOOGle?


Hi James, still tightly holding my 50 shares purchased at 70-120 over the last few years. Thank you for all the insight & greatly valued commentary. Even with the blow out earnings and stunning TESLA owner favoritism, it seems people focused on the slight margin pull-in. Any comments to this, or did I miss one of your TSLA fud rebuttals? haha


These instructions are confusing. What cell contains the Objective function? It's not clear.


These instructions are difficult to follow. Appreciate if you can make a video how to setup and use solver function