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Markets are pumping w Debt Ceiling news - as we said.... Equities could do well Tuesday (Stk Mkt Closed in USA on Monday as it is a holiday) as well and MSTR for sure as well as miners.

Only 2 more days before HK/China go live.

I made a video on the 25th of the best Tokens for China and since then things have moved - not sure how much is due to debt ceiling but things are looking up.

Per MartyParty - "$1.25 billion of Solana bought on @HuobiGlobal today.  China is aping into @solana Remember June 1 Chinese citizens can buy crypto. The exchanges are stocking up. Welcome to the bull run."

In addition there are rumors of huge spike in adoption - but I could not verify using our IA Engine. 

Thanks to Sanjay for sharing




this might kick start an Alt season?


Very excited to see what happens


Nice! Hopefully retail are smart and move it off exchanges. We don’t need another exchange pulling an FTX move


James, I don't know where to post questions but I really want to know "whats the use case for DeFi? Why does Sol or Eth even matter? I do understand why BTC, its the only Decentralized, and Digital Hard Asset! But why Sol or Eth or Defi?"


Good to see


Hope you are doing great James. The conviction will pay off. 🤝🌞🇳🇱 Solana FTW.


Thanks James, valuable info as usual. Just added to my Solana bag :)


james can u recommend a mushroom extract you been taking? on amazon?


So.. buy more Solana? Yes sir 🙌


Larson Line has the trend down on SOL so be careful. These pumps are sucking investors in and then we end up with another lower low.


Just another pump and dump. Following crypto is worse than msm when it comes to fake news


The use cases for DeFi is similar to Bitcoin in many ways. Bitcoin is a digital hard asset, yes, that is great as we agree that is a great monetary policy, but its main strength and significance comes from the fact that it is decentralized through-and-through (sovereign monetary policy) and has completely free capital flow. Now imagine traditional finance sectors - banking, lending, trading, insurance etc. All of these sectors are integral to our society, but are made up of small groups managing complex legal structures and policies which are built to benefit the few and make money on the backs of the many. They are centralized and opaque. DeFi is like the Bitcoin of TradFi, in the sense that it allows for real, decentralized, P2P finances to take place, but it can also revolutionize other unrelated sectors such as gaming and gambling, just as an example. Bottom line - DeFi is the future of finance.


Not James, here. Not a doctor or mycologist either. Just sharing my experience. What extract you take, is (ideally, IMO) usually dependent on what you are trying to treat and/or optimize. “Stamets 7” by Host Defense is a good one with multiple strains of fungus that takes advantage of the entourage effect. It has mycelium/mushrooms and constituents that are backed by empirical evidence, and can be researched in peer reviewed papers. I like efficacious dosages, so I take separate strains myself. Lions Mane, Turkey Tail, and Cordyceps is my current stack. Thus changes as my needs change. I have trusted Paul Stamets Host Defense brand for many years. He’s a fantastic mycologist and a man of high integrity IMO.


Larsson line consists of 2 moving averages. Moving averages are great. And free!


Or, regardless of the asset- its prudent to wait for confirmation of reversal, shift in trend/momentum to the upside. All chefs know: falling knives have no handles.


Love the channel James and been apart of Patreon since the Thursday Patreon only show days. Just my opinion but I wouldn’t use MartyParty as a solid resource of information. He’s sketchy at best when it comes to crypto. Just my 2 cents after following him since 2021. He was involved in some coin called FEG (i think that’s the name) coin. Then it rugged.