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Why am I so focused on Bitcoin Adoption or Adoption in General?

Metcalfe's Law states that the value of a network is proportional to the square of the number of its users. In the context of Bitcoin, this means that as the user base grows, the value of the network (and as a result the price of Bitcoin) increases exponentially. The more participants using Bitcoin, the more opportunities for transactions, liquidity, and network effects to occur.

This chart is a thing of beauty. 

Thanks to Sanjay for sharing




IA is a thing of beauty!!


Thank you James and Sanjay! 💥


Thanks, guys.


Bitcoin is inevitable...


All Roads Lead to BitCoin


Nice graphic! (OMG my Nerd is showing...shoot!). Ok... going back to being a blond. ;) All jokes aside, it makes for good thoughts.


Lovely chart. It's going to be fun. WAGMI people. Bought 6% extra SOL. LET THE BULL COME! 🤝🤝🤝🌞


How goes this law apply??? It was for the telecommunications and or internet industry, where each “person connected” increases the value of the network. Meaning one phone is useless, 2 better, 2m better still ect. Because people interact with EACH OTHER. with bitcoin there is no inter user interaction so how does this law apply …and don’t say money because it’s too slow and would get congested and for store of value there is no interaction value when more people use it. So how does this law apply??


Good points, I like your thinking. If people are just owners of the Coin either on exchanges or in wallets, does that constitute interaction?


Because of the supply. The less there is out there the more interaction there will be as everyone has their price so as the price goes up due to supply shock the more interest it will advertise to those who are not in the crypto world. when btc hits ath again it will be common knowledge/news, and people will flock in. Once they then learn what btc really is they will probably never leave so the users grow exponentially.


So why is price down?


Objectively, there are similar growth patterns and relationships. There are quite a few interesting papers out there about this. We have access to them.


Greater than equal 1000 dollar is 5milion. it is a small number.So few serious about bitcoin. We are early!


not at all, remember that 100 usd is a lot of money in numerous countries with high btc adoption and people use it to trade even in small amounts


Hello James! THANKS for all that you do for the community! First post/comment from me and I'd love to hear your thoughts on a topic I heard about recently. An analyst mentioned that typically BTCUSD tends to rise when NDX/SPX is rising. Currently that seems to be in question, so I'd love to hear your analysis on this.