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Hi Team

I just covered my META hedge - i bought them back for $39.

Reason is three fold 

1) IADSS saw a turn around

2) the stock went up after a huge 1.3bn  EU fine

3) I expect potential of a face ripping rally when the US Govt solves the debt ceiling problem in the next few days

I will sell them again on the next pump 




Cool - question about TSLA- are you hedging it? Would be cool to know. And thanks for sharing. :)


EU, supposedly fined Meta 1.3billion


I just sold a 2 week out CC on MSTR, do you think BTC / MSTR will rally also with the debt ceiling fix?


Interesting times James. I think the worries of US default are holding many investors back at the moment. Having some certainty with the debt ceiling will definitely pump the markets. Let’s go Tesla.


You bought options back? What strike price and expiration?


outside options, is there equivalent buy/sell Meta price?


Can you give us some context for the “Face Ripping”? Ruffle how much up in % and across which areas, NASDQ & Crypto for eg.


Why would a huge fine send Meta stock price up? I would I thought it would lose value.


I think that he means that because it did not go down on a huge fine, then it will rip upwards in an environment with no fine. The fact that it went up when it got a fine shows that it has strength. Strong like bull.


The expectation was that the fine would be much bigger than the 1.3B, in other words, good news for META, that their face-whacking wasn't as severe as ...


Check Apr 27 alert - He had sold January 2024 $240 calls for $36


Would love such nfa guidance too


Hi James, are you and your team working on a covered call model? Thanks.