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- Bitcoin Miami

- AI job destruction - investor implications

- Ethereum fork risk - consensus overload

- Coins - Fundamentals vs Narrative/Speculation

- US, EU or Asia to host next gen crypto innovation (France news, SEC/Hinman speech etc)

- Is Dollar coming to an end

- Macro vs Bitcoin: Is 2 year yield breaking out?

- Bitcoin price action - H&S

- Halving cycle - dead or alive?


DCA Live: Ethereum Crisis, Bitcoin Stalling

DCA Agenda - Bitcoin Miami conclusions - AI job destruction - investor implications - Ethereum fork crisis - consensus overload - Fundamentals vs Narrative/Speculation - Crypto innovation climate: US, EU, Asia - Is Dollar coming to an end - Macro vs Bitcoin: 2 year yield breaking out - Halving cycle - dead or alive - Bitcoin price action - H&S top?



Here’s the thing with AI and Chat GPT it’s not as advanced as some people give it credit for . It will eventually get there . For example: I tested out an equation where I would give it 9 numbers and I would both add subtract them in the equation, and despite it just being simple addition and subtraction the answers came up wrong 3 times.


Happy Monday Amigo & IA family! Stay positive, healthy & keep the music in your ❤️ ☕️☕️😁🌞 🎶


Looking forward to it


Looking forward to the Retire on Bitcoin video.


What about news on developing government crypto regulation updates and the threat of their potential desire to kill all cryptocurrency (including BTC)?


Holiday here in Canada, happy Victoria Day!


Strike seems to be a bright note!


It is a language model, not a calculator. It’s far more advanced than the iteration that the public interacts with. There are some interesting papers out there that drive this point home. Maybe I’m easily impressed. I don’t think I am.


How much do they push on the brakes regarding the current operating AI? Would be interesting to look into the dev source console.


It is important to keep up with the changes in China when looking at the risk for companies like Tesla and Apple: Decoupling is just going to happen Chinese policy and geopolitical risk are doing a lot of the work here. https://www.noahpinion.blog/p/decoupling-is-just-going-to-happen


Wall Street projects drop in payrolls could reach 3.4 million https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-05-19/even-a-mild-us-recession-comes-with-steep-price-in-lost-jobs


“If this, then that”. This is the way. All crises can be managed. Most can be avoided.


So glad Elon stepped down as CEO of Twitter. Bout time. Things are about to get spicy for TSLA.🤟🏽


Ivan and his cult bs 😆