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And wow, my ocs won again??? I think I might need to take them off the polls for the future cause this seems to keep happening haha. Plus I wanna give videogame characters a bigger spotlight!

So For the Pinup: Oreo! And for the smut: Lane!

Funnily enough I actually had a smut image planned and roughed of Lane ploughing Oreo so this works out pretty damn wonderfully!

The rift apart lombax was SO CLOSE, so I may just do a pinup of her anyway, but no promises! Her design and colour pallet really appealed to me since I first saw her so I've had the itch to draw her...and draw a huugeee dick cumlating her but hey.

Anyway! I'll get some WIPs up for you guys soon! Again, apologies if the lewd image is just one picture with multiple alts this month, but I dont wanna promise anything then under-deliver!

Take care and have a safe week,

With love,

- Kili



I think the problem with the OCs on the poll comes from the demographic here. Everybody is here for you, but only smaller fractions will be a fan of various game franchises. So it pretty often comes down to 2 characters you've never heard of, one you like, and an OC you like.