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Well well well, we're at month number 7 and already it feels like the year should've been over long ago haha. I hope you're all handling stuff okay, lord knows the bad news in the world and my personal life keeps building and I feel as fragile as those delivery boxes with a 'this side up' sticker on it.

So this month I've got my work laid out for me which is nice! And I'll be cracking at it slowly but carefully, making sure I maintain that quality of work. The lewd set of the hotsprings is still being chipped at so expect that soon, and smiley is ready to get back into the poll scene, so those will be heading back up this month!

It feels like we're slooowlly getting back to how things were before this whole shit storm started but hey. The most we can all do is try our best right?

Polls will be going up over the next few days so remember to look out for those! And to the advisers, Im looking forward to the suggestions! I reckon I personally wanna throw that new R&C girl on the smut piece buuut that's just me.

I also have plans for some more smut sets, but you'll see exactly what they contain when the WIPs go up, and I reckon it's time I do less telling and more showing!

Anyway, let's keep on going on during this terrible terrible year, and hopefully we can all get outta this alive. Thank you all so much for the support during it all going on too. It really speaks a whole lot to have you all here ; ; <3

With all my love.

- Kili



Looking forward to the new stuff! Stay safe out there, you two!

Emi Kasumi

Best wishes you two, stay safe!! 💕