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So I couldn't wait any longer and set up a new site that helped me mass email the December rewards to all of the old patrons.
Please check your emails if you pledged in the month of December!
Also sorry, I still can't see any of your messages, and all old messages are lost.
I don't have any new information.
Meanwhile I was working on the January rewards, here's one!
I'll make sure everybody will get theirs again in a weeks time, now crunch time.

(I really like Lance Lumis from Sym bionic titan. Nice toned muscle guy yet cute!)

/please PLEASE check your spam folder! Just to be sure!/




There was a slip up with the 5 dollar tier link, I resent the emails with the correct ones!


If anyone didn't get their rewards (hopefully no such patron) Please comment here!


Also please check your Spam folder. I used the email address you are signed up to patreon. Also remember, i can't see messages so you can't reached me through there!


Hi Anma I checked my emails and spam and I don't see your email sorry for the trouble


Did you pause your pledge in December? You are a patron now but there is no sign of a December pledge. I can't find your name or email address on the patreon manager list from December!


Thank Yuo so much :)

Ozymandias Finch

I got the email but it has the wrong reward tier link (same problem as before). I just sent you an email.


I didn't get your email anma TAT


Did you check your spam folders in gmail? It's a direct email from me. I double checked and your address it there, I DID send you the emails. Please get back to me if you can't find it under spam or promotions.


Only 56 percent of you have opened your reward emails. Just one more time: Check spam AND promotional folders.


Just an FYI, but I looked at your email again to check if I got it and downloaded the rewards (I did, I just forgot), but my email's security says that your email "failed its' domain authentication requirements." Translation; your email address failed a validation check to verify the sender. Perhaps it has something to do with the ConstantContact service you use? Im guessing its because the 'return path' and 'received from' are different @.inconstantcontact.com addresses, while also having your @gmail address listed as 'from.' Security filters don't seem to like when these are different. I'm not entirely sure what ConstantContact does specifically, nor am I well versed in email tech, but maybe you could ask them if they know what to do. It could be a setting you need to change, or an error on their part in the email formatting. If you're still having problems emailing your patrons that is. Hope this helps if you do go down the technical rabbit hole of email troubleshooting. Let me know if you want me to send you the technical details if ConstantContact needs them to figure stuff out. Bye.


I never received the mail with my rewards for December (25 usd) I've been trying to talk to you on twitter all this time but you never respond, I'm afraid I lost my money


When are we going to get the last 4 months of patreon updates? From Jan 2021 to April 2021.