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Scorce live in dry, hot, rocky regions. Typically in Republic of Corvus and Northwest Sidewinder.
They make their nests in rocky wall caverns, holes and burrows. They are about as narrow as the host scorce's body.
Scorce are not social though they do nest near each other at up to 15 individuals in a single site. So alerting one will unfortunately alert the rest and they will race to be the first to grab their prey. Immobilizing or slowing their prey with their corrosive bile and then grabbing it, dragging it into it's nest as fast as it can. It will eat from one side while other scorce who are also eager for a meal will typically eat from the other side.

- It's prey can be double it's size. Avoid nest sites if at all possible unless experienced.
- Legs taste best boiled or braised. Avoid eating head, thorax, and abdomen due to acid.
- Scorce acid is processed into an additive agent in arcane storage charges and cleaning supplies.




puts a little harness on him to take for a walk