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Hello everyone, we finally finished the 15th part of our game, it was difficult, but we managed. We still ask you to support us on alternative venues, but we still have a lot of fans on this one. Therefore, we present to your attention a new part. In it, we have tried and prepared a lot of interesting content for you.

By VERY numerous requests, the punishment for the minimum grade in college was removed

Instead, indicators of quests and important events were added to the global map (a test is needed)

The alien branch has been continued

Added several scenes with Milly

Added a scene with Miss Ramrod







Why did The question mark appear above the school? I couldn't get into any ofnth minor rooms and the principal won't talk to me.


I'm at ten intelligence and I need to raise my psi to use the device on the older sister. I've gone through two weeks with nothing happening. The younger sister is mad at me afternge third gadget photoshoot. I'm waiting but nothing has changed.