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Hey guys!

I am finally out of the hospital and back home. It's been one of the longer breaks I've recently had from drawing. And as I expected it's not as easy to get back into it, but I will keep fighting!

For today I decided to go for a simple pose and to draw Lana (the one I am least likely to butcher :D). I guess her breasts somehow ended up bigger than usual? But you know what, screw it haha They always vary in size ever since she got pregnant (and it's the same for me), so I don't mind all that much, as long as she's got that mom belly.

Also another try to give her the natural hair I currently have. I think I like it ^^

Hope you do too. And I hope you  are patient with me while I work my way back into drawing daily while remembering to take breaks to lay down to make sure nothing unexpected and unplanned happens until the end of my pregnancy in September.

Thank you all so much for your support, as always! I've missed drawing a whole lot :)




Tahts some amazing shafing of the suit. I strive to get to taht level^^


I absolutely love how she looks <3


Happy to see you back home Lana, thank you for the lovely piece!


Lana jak zwykle najlepsza z twoich postaci. Uwielbiam te jej piękne cyce. Cieszę się ogromnie że z tobą i twoim drugim dzieckiem wszystko dobrze. Trzymam kciuki bardzo za spokojną ciążę i zdrowie dzieciątka. Buziaki!