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  • IMG_1045.MOV
  • IMG_1046.MOV



Since I’m in no position to work, I decided to post a few sketches from my last live drawing session. my husband keeps buying me tickets to those now, so I get the chance to draw from live models every 2 weeks now. It makes me very happy 😊 although the fact that after a full day of drawing at work I get to go draw some more for practice does make me laugh .

I post these arts along with the time-lapse for anyone interested in how I tackle the subject ❤️




Oh my, a person playing foot rest 🤭. But seriously, I'm so impressed. You got the impression of the tattoos so well. Knowing me I'd be stuck trying to get their details.

ZePompom (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-19 21:30:55 <3
2022-05-03 18:09:25 <3
