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Well they just got right down to business, didn't they?


Sweet mother mercy, YES

Jake theberge

Is it possible to get these in small files, like put each number set into a zip file or something? Cus this is a lot to download one at a time especially if they don't download the first time. It dosent help that I can't open the images on another page anymore for some reason. It just goes straight to download.

Jake theberge

Now that my rant is over, this really is heating up. I like the scenes where the lead orc ponts at Syndori and probably says something like "Guys, WHAT THE FUCK!?" He should make them watch while he takes the first ride. Why does her top become see through?


I don't think the nipples need to be showing at the beginning. It makes it hotter when the orc cuts her top apart with his axe.


Is this a young Syndori or a new elf girl?

TY 2022

After this she won't be able to walk or talk for a week.


I have a feeling your patreon numbers will grow soon with this pace of updates! :)


Awesome work! Gorgeous characters and details, and the speed you produce with is very impressive!


The quality here is absolutely amazing. I've always sed that detomasso and hitmanx3z are the best artists in 3dx and have the hottest girls that there is. I prefer all styles of hit man aka his older style and his new and very realistic 1. The graphics/effects/3dness is defiantly the most realistic that any 3dx artist apart detomasso has produced so far I think. Syndori's body is perfection, her skin is beautiful, outfit is awesome, I'm not to sure bout the hairstyle I'm too used to syndori's other hairstyle and the story is great! As of now I dunno when things will change I'll have to see but I think lorelei is hotter than the current syndori but I'm not %100 sure. So fucking good so sexy. I'm so glad I pledged!


Вот это запостил! И это ведь Синдори да? я думал она не будет больше меняться, но... к ней вернулись её титьки XD и это круто!!! Я вот подумал а можно картинку где она просто стоит на фоне локации, одетая, ну чтоб можно было на рабочий стол например? Очень уж классный у неё прикид, и лока офигенная! Ну и ещё идейка, знаешь как бывает делают небольшую серию с актерами "за кадром" типа до съёмок и после, ну это не знаю есть ли смысл...


This Syndori is very hot and sexy but i kinda prefer the older version...the one from Dungeon Depths. More mature and sensual!

X3Z Fan

Wow X3Z. Fantastic work. :o)


Вроде бы она)) Во всяком случае ее я давал Bangfri, последнюю версию из х3, как думал, а оказал что у меня сейчас новее есть... Была идея сделать к каждой части по обоине) В следующем месяце будет день рождения Elven Desires. Может сделаю...)


43 comments? Oh boy, here comes the public.

M´ s Den of Lust and Desire

Finally we have really nasty creatures, I would love to see that thing giving it to her :-). I like Syndori but I think the size between her nipples and her breast (you know the darker shade between) is a bit too big. I like her worried expression.

M´ s Den of Lust and Desire

What I really love here is that she doesn´t appear to be so muscular. I know you have explained it really well it is a natural thing, but I just don´t like it to much. Her armor covers that and therefore I have eynjoyed this mini series even more. I also think that this model is really good.