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Time to explore the island I was teasing for such a long time. 

First of all two new NPCs that you will be able to meet in the first village Tao will take you to. One will have a place for you to rest, the other all the goods you need. Aren't they a friendly fellows? 

There are still two other sprites planned for the update, but those would be the enemies. With the gorilla that I posted last month it means three new enemies this month. Oh boi...




Oh gawd that badger is so cute I want him 😍

Miles Stranger

I can't wait to see the "Blake" of this village.


The badger is SERIOUSLY attractive! The pig is cute too :) I hope that if we see him naked he’s anatomically correct ;)

Marquise Pride

My inner furry is STRIVING off these updates!!! 😻😻😻


I can't wait to see the badger! Also I love his mustache!