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Yes, I know, Carlo gets too unkind at page 24, but something like this actually happened to me when I was fresh at sex matters. The guy was really well endowed and he seemed to care until he went balls deep on me in one stroke. He said "Look what you made me do"  just like Carlo here.

Para la version en español vea en los archivos adjuntos.




Sorry that that happened to you...unfortunately some partners are like that, and even more heartbreaking, the good ones go unnoticed.


Don't worry. To be honest I didn't feel it as a bad experience, in fact I enjoyed it so much. It was his way for sex and I allowed him. Because after the initial pain everything was fantastic. I mean, I was fresh and I insisted on take an 8 inches cock. I never said "stop" or complain to him because I didn't want him to stop at all.