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Hello! It’s wonderful to have you here, thank you so much for your curiosity and support.
If you haven’t already I would suggest you check out this post first


where I talk about ExDee taking time off, me finding a new guy to help with the work output and also the Halloween short.


Animations are going really well for Kaijiucy and here are the latest ones completed and being worked on:

Aika has finally got the animation down for the main “fight” scene in the game. Remember that the movement is timed to the music in the animation so I asked Aika to make it more “bouncy” in a sexy fun way.
Since then Aika has completed all 7 animations but I won’t be showing them all yet, because I want to tweak the way she drew Bchan and Kaiju’s nipples, I’m working on that now and I’ll upload all 7 animations nude and clothed (and futa option) next. For now here is the neutral animation clothed

(Left: new animation / Right: old animation)

I've manged to complete the BChan grope scene:
That's 4 levels of grope, Fem Futa and Dildo option, all clothes removable individually, all scripted and two facial expressions on each face per level. Please note that in these animations to save on size and time I can't show the second facial expressions here.

Also do keep in mind that the style of animation is to music, so that's why the movement involves some hip swaying and jirating etc.


side note in this animation below I've noticed I could make the boobs a little more bouncy, so I'll be sure to do that ;D

Fully Nude

Futa option, and you can see here that different items of clothing can be kepts on and taken off

Also there is the options for Dildo as well, Naturally if you aren't into Futa and you want to see these babes have sex with each other, they have these to work with. Let me know in the comments if you want them to have anything else to the Dildo's? maybe Kaiju's can have bumps? different colour maybe?
(right click on image and open in new tab to see it bigger)

Before ExDee left he was able to put in decent but unfinished animation, Aika has now taken over the Kaiju grope scene. She’ll be prettying up Babezilla’s face, B-Chan’s Hair, adding the clothing option, making the animations more bouncy, giving facial reactions and then I’ll come in and add dildo and futa animation options.

For the futa option, I’ve been adding in the “parts necessary” haha, for the main chest press scene. Also it’s important to have the dildo option as well, I’ll be animating this and then moving on to the first BJ or TitJob scene next. :D As you can see in these examples I have to tweak a few things, specifically the balls, but I'm on it, no worries. I'll be showing the animations, nude, clothed, futa, dildo, as soon as I've finished them.

Thank you, Thank you so much, for all your help and support. I can't stress enough, this work wouldn't be here if not for you. We're so lucky to animate and produce this, I hope you continue to enjoy our content and of course, thank you for being patient. I know this is a larger scale piece of work compared to my past animations, but I truly feel it's worth a shot making at least one animation with lots of different scenes and animations in it. You are the best and I can't wait to show you more.
All the best,



side note: some images and animation might take a while to load.


Awesome work, can't wait to see it finished. Also, was just wondering if you were gonna go back to SSG at all. Was hoping for Hilda to be added from that one poll a while back. If not, that's okay too. SSG is still my all time favorite.


Wow the futa reach around and the lip biting, these two might end up dating after their fight! ;D


Jellyman! thank you so much, SSG and PPT are my two favorites I've made, I will be going back to building an interactive game but I want to build it on software that more people will be able to play on (phones and such) So I'm working on animations and saving and hopefully growing, to build a better SSG. One that has smoother boob movement, less lag, better audio, etc.


when can we see it completed by?


HI Alex! I'm doing my best to finish the animations as soon as we can. We're just focusing on HalloweEnGIRL for halloween and we'll continue animating for Kaijuicy on Nov :D