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finally FINALLY!  i have the weight painting tools working the way i want them to.  the rig itself is a bit of a WIP, because i find sometimes i need to add in a new bone or delete one if it turns out to not work very well.  but this is FINALLY looking good 




David Ewell

I'm liking this but feel her feet are just too big/long. Maybe if they were shortened by about 1/3 for that balanced look for a biped...


if she stands with he knees bent it will look more correct. besides this is the "base model" i plan to modify her to be many different rodent types as soon as i finish fixing the rig

Simone Spinozzi

i still need to check this out but i'm finally out of the hospital and going through 105 patreon emails... 😅


welcome back man and take your time. when you hadn't been answering i figured you were in for another visit