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Did something different with this one to try to show her before the big change. I don't know if it works or if it's distracting. But it was fun to try!

The antagonist in this caption seems particularly unhinged to me. 😨



Ella Cherry

I really enjoy the before and after, I’m not sure about the placement, the bubble is as light as the background, so it looked kind of lost there, even so, I love it and I wouldn’t throw alway this idea. And, obviously, I also loved the unhinged villain!


Thanks, Ella! I like the idea a lot, too. Before / after is so fun! I just need to figure out the best place to put it for captions I choose to do it for in the future.

stacy C

Sorry Em, I have to be brutally honest and say it didn't work for me. I found it too distracting and it looked like he was peering in through the curtains LoL. Hope you don't mind the criticism but wanted to be honest. He did turn out pretty though hehe x


I appreciate the feedback, Stacy! I like the concept, but I don't like the execution. Oh, well. Can't win them all! LOL.

Jessica Thence

Oh conniving wives. When will they learn? I enjoyed this one!