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I'm surprised on two fronts!

I didn't expect Connor to win. I also thought he'd be very difficult to make pretty. 

But, of course, I shouldn't have doubted Mr. Xu's abilities (and Mason's super-hormones)! 😀

Connor's angular jaw and defined nose actually gives Connie a very unique and I think quite beautiful appearance. Sure, Mr. Xu had to do a bit of facial feminization surgery, but it's nowhere near as extensive as I imagined. 😜

If you enjoyed this and would like to see Mason next month (and maybe Davis the month after), please let me know! 

For now, take a look at what might have been if Connor had gone looking for his brother-in-law and was captured by the Platinum Star and enrolled in the "Second Dawn" project.



Erica Rost

It makes black and white great

Tiki D

I can wait for Mason and Davis for the next two months.

Tiki D

Female Conner is hot!!!😉

Tiki D

Emory, you should miniature story of these alternate reality pictures in the future.

Tiki D

I really enjoyed them and like to see more.😎

Tiki D

I bet Connie would be sold to one of his army friends by Xu.

Tiki D

It would be cool if Connie was born in the prime reality, but knowing Emory, would probably have Conner capture at some point.

France Day

Emory, I think you've become a trans-formist magician. Very nice work, congratulations. Each painting demonstrates a true history and a real search for composition.

maven poulter

Excellent work...she is beautiful!

Ella Cherry

I loved the sneak peek into another reality! Definitely wouldn’t mind seeing more!

stacy C

Another stunning transformation from Mr Xu. Connie looks so feminine.....especially around the chest area hehe x

stacy C

Oh yeah and I definitely want to see Mason and Davis receive the same kind of treatment :-) x


LOL - Thank you so much, France! I am trying my best to make them look like actual pinups with some real artistry.