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I've had some life things pop up that have been taking some of my time, but I'm still here and still working on the wendy animation!
(don't forget that daily WIPs are posted on my discord, you just need to connect your discord to patreon and join my server and you'll have access to the patreon only channels)

Things should be running a bit more smoothly in the next coming days, I'll be doing last months sketch stream today, a few minutes after posting this.
But it's a new month, you know what that means
Send me your Poll and Sketch roulette requests!

Also, I think I'm going to try to post Monthly, or maybe weekly WIPs of animations that take more than a month here, just so it's clear that I'm still working my ass off haha
It's just difficult to balance (and to remember) as I add on more and more places I need to post so I'll do my best!

Thank you for your continued support and patience with my dumbass


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