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But before I go around asking for the poll requests I have another idea...

I take suggestions from people every month and put them on a randomized wheel thing and have a sketch stream where I do as many as I can before I pass out

I was just realizing most of the polls will have a few characters that will never ever get picked because of popularity
No one can win against PBG and Marceline haha
So maybe this way it feels a bit more fair?

Idk what do you think?
I could do both but that might take a chunk out of my work schedule for my animations and edits.
But that's what this poll is for!

and I could have higher tiers that would allow for more chances on the wheel to increase your odds?
would that be considered gambling?
I don't know anymore haha



A Wheel lets more people get picked and even if you only do 3 thats way more then 1 and gives everyone a fair chance provided you like the idea


That's the idea As long as people actually remember to participate lol