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very sorry to underwhelm with this offering, i am still finalizing the first 8 pages of this comic. tomorrow i will be able to post the first 4 pages and then the next four might take me until Tuesday or Wednesday of next month.

to make up for this i will direct message and deliver these pages to anyone who drops out before next month, in other words if you payed for the 7$ tier i will make sure you get the content 

to tie you guys over ive attached some previews and resources i made for this comic 




This content is looking good, dude! No need to apologize, I'm sure I speak for everyone (or most people) when I say you can take all the time you need


damn mate, this previews alone are amazing. i can't wait to read the whole thing,


I look forward to it. Is this the comic more from the tiny's POV or something else btw? I believe you showed previews of that one a while back. Just curious.


yep it will switch between characters but mostly on the tiny's