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Hello everyone! Happy new year!

I made this art for Xmas, hope you like it :D

Shield "bug"
While implementing the shield hit mechanics, I noticed that enemies who deal dmg on impact would lock you in place. So had to look for a solution.

An easy solution was adding a delay to this kind of enemies' attacks, I guess adding a knockback to both enemies could work too.

I realized I'm so lame doing cutscenes, or maybe I expect too much of myself that everything looks lame to me. Anyways I managed to make something I kinda like.

Hardcore mode.
I started adding some variations to game mechanics in hardcore mode, like soul fountains only have 1 charge per fountain, this means that in hardcore mode, you can only get your soul back a limited amount of times. Making the game way more difficult.

Bug hunting.
One of you guys found this bug where if you jumped out of water just to the point where speed turns 0 at the border of the water, you'd get stuck in the air. It's now fixed :D

Weird bug. (Panic attack)
I noticed this weird bug while playtesting, and I got scared since I didn't know what was happening, and didn't want my animations to look weird, thankfully it was fixed, somehow the player depth was the reason, don't ask me why.

I used the same code I use for the Goblin's rock throwing to make arrows rain.
I'll be making archer enemies in a future using this mechanic.

Yes I'm that evil.
Imagine a vertical room in which a group of archers shoot arrows at you from the top. I made them have bad accuracy so it's harder to hit you, and so the arrows don't land all in the same place. (It looks better)

Metal door for the Fortress.

Stairs + Perspective.
I tried to make stairs with the new perspective, and failed.

Less angle stairs.
I decided to use less angle for the stairs, and leave the 45º for the slopes.

Talking about perspective, I started redoing some objects with the proper perspective, and this barrel got really popular at twitter.


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