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Thank you so much for supporting me! Thanks to YOU, I finally finished FF3! Special thanks go to Alexei Prowess (Original writer) and n.u.t.s (My translator)!!?(?>?<?)???*?

Notice: I regularly delete old posts (about three months later), so please save files as soon as possible! I will delete FF3-2 around May 15, please save it soon! (I don't share old posts with a new patron basically. My old posts will be available on Gumroad and itchio. Thanks for your understanding!)

This episode continues in Finding Family 4. I'm going to make rough sketches of it from now on, so it will take a while to make the first pages. I appreciate your patience!

BTW, I'm planning to post one of my old short nsfw comic on Patreon before I start FF4, because my translator finally started translating it lately. I'm a big fan of her translation , there is no one who can replace her, I'm so happy I can read English versions of my comics translated by her, so I really appreciate your continued support! This short comic has 16pages and I'll post it in two parts. I might make a full colored version of it. Please understand that it is NOT one of Finding Family series!!(^_^;)



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